Wednesday, April 9, 2008

2012: The Return of Mayan Palingenesis

There are two important events in the history of the 2012 Mayan Prophecy that Lord Pakal Ahau learned at a very young age from his Maya-Celtic heritage and have been explained to us in some detail through the process of reincarnation in Maya Palingenesis. Unfortunately, the whole story cannot be disclosed publicly as Lord Pakal Ahau prefers that God as His Father unveil the Sacred Truth, however Lord Pakal makes two historical comments from that interesting period.

The first one tells us of the alternative creation of a reincarnated male born in July 6, 1946 and the second comment is related to Lord Pakal’s designed reincarnation birth in August 22, 1952 by the silent work of the Mayan priests of the Ancient Order of Chilam Balam, in spite of the scientific warnings and genetic vigilance of the Royal Edwardian Doctrine, seven years later counting from the gestation period of the first reincarnation. Both characters born through the science of Maya Palingenesis under the auspices of Freemason scholars (see works of Sylvanus G. Morley, J. Eric S. Thompson, Ruz L’Huillier and Rafael Girard in Maya Studies) and esoteric rituals. Both people with British Masonic roots to fulfill different prophetic paths. From the archives of the Ancient Order of Chilam Balam and its Nine Degrees, during the Holy birth ceremony of Lord Pakal, his British Mason father read the following rare statement in the Emulation Lodge No. 12 (London, 1952) as anticipation of what was to come at the End of the 13th Bak’tun era.

And, yea, I gave my heart
to know wisdom,
and to know madness and folly.
And I perceived that all is vanity
and vexation of spirit.
For in much wisdom is much grief.
And he that increaseth knowledge…
increaseth sorrow.

For God shall bring every work
and every secret thing into judgement
whether it be good…
or whether it be evil.

And thus, we leave the reader within the context of this Mayan historical image of the 21st Century at the End of the 13th Bak’tun cycle.

NOTES FROM THE EDITOR: One of the most recognized names as a pioneer of Maya archaeology is John Eric Sidney Thompson (1898-1975). John Eric Sidney Thompson was born on New Years Eve 1898 in London, England to Mary Thompson and George W. Thompson. John Thompson is considered to be one of the true pioneers to ever make major contributions to Maya studies in the field of epigraphy, ethnohistory and field archaeology. Due to the significance of his contribution, Her Majesty the Queen of England honored him with the degree of Knighthood at his 76th birthday, making him the first New World archaeologist to ever receive such distinction.

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