2012 Meta Earth Hypothesis
In this article, Lord Pakal Ahau compiles several factors that will contribute to the 2012 Meta Earth evolution, Pakal’s hypothesis supporting the upper limit of habitability zone of Earth after billions of years and the controversial Mayan concept of End of Creation in 2012 as we know it.
In addition, the 2012 event is not a time period confined to Earth specifically (as many people have written and believe with an anthropocentric view), but as he learned from the wisdom of his Mayan teachers, it is an event that is applied to the solar system as a whole.
The complexity of the solar system evolution is beyond our imagination to explain it in this brief article, however Lord Pakal attempts to explain the variables applied to our planet (since we live in it) in scientific terms so we can understand the end of this great cosmic cycle. Bear in mind that other planets in the solar system will be affected by this transitional event as Mayans understood with their astronomical skills. Therefore, the Meta Earth hypothesis is an extension of the Rare Earth theory, and combines the effects of many of the Earth’s attributes and chance events in the solar system applied to all related planets to calculate that there may indeed be one and only one Earth able to support life in any given galaxy. Or none.
Many of the variables in the calculation have widely bounded estimates, and so the number may be larger, or it may in fact most commonly be zero. In geophysical research, Dr Iain Stewart looked up from the surface of the Earth to examine the influence of larger factors on the formation of our planet. It’s position in space, the presence of the moon, cataclysmic events in Earth’s past and its relationship to its nearest neighbours. Some of the conditions Stewart discussed are as follow:
Habitable zone around the right sort of star
Most of the stars in any given galaxy (around 90%) either give off too much UV radiation to allow DNA to remain stable, or not enough radiation/light/heat to sustain life. Of those that do, like our Sun, they have to be large enough to burn long enough to allow complex life to evolve (it’s taken us 4.5 billion years - some stars only burn for a billion years), but small enough to have rocky planets in a stable orbit. That orbit has to be within a fairly narrow band - the habitable zone - at the right distance from the star to allow water to remain a liquid.
There’s more to it than even that. Even the right kind of star has to be orbiting in the right position in a galaxy. Too close to the galactic central core, and the gamma and X-ray radiation emitted by the black hole is inimical to life.
Lord Pakal explains that Earth, as the Sun continues to attract the planet to its core, has arrived to a maximum habitability area in which the planet has reached the end of the cycle after billions of years and maximum enthropy will follow. The point of no return in 2012 and the main reason why we should look on Mars as the New Earth and our potential terraforming home.
Collision with another Earth-like body during the first cycles
Planets the size of Earth don’t normally have gravitational fields strong enough to retain an atmosphere. Take a look at Mars. It is beyond the habitability zone but it will enter in it one day. It had an atmosphere once but it all leaked away owing to Mars’ weak gravity. The theory goes that at one time, there was another planet orbiting the Sun very close to the orbit of Earth. The two worlds collided and part of the mass of that other planet became attached to Earth, increasing its mass and gravity.
Moon effect and impact with other asteroids
The presence of a moon is seen as essential to the development of life. Its effect on planetary water is to create a zone of evolutionary tension where tidal pools are created and which will stimulate life to leave the oceans. Our moon is considerably bigger than any other compared to the size of its planet, and probably formed by accretion of the debris left over from the aforementioned planetary collision.
Magnetosphere and effect of solar radiation
Without the Earth’s strong magnetic field, driven by its molten iron core, we wouldn’t have the Aurora. Our loss would be considerably more than just not having pretty lights in the sky. The Aurora is the result of the Earth’s magnetosphere deflecting the solar wind. Without it, life would have been subjected to intense solar radiation too strong for life to evolve.
Plate tectonics movements and continental drift
The continuous shifting of the continents is another evolutionary engine. Without it the Earth would probably be just one giant ocean, perhaps with a single continent to start with which would eventually have been completed eroded away. Continental drift drives the climate which in turn drives evolution.
Asteroid impacts and Earth evolution
Too many impacts from passing bodies is a bad thing, but too few is bad too. If an asteroid hadn’t killed off all the dinosaurs they’d probably still be here - they had already lasted 200 million years after all: more than 30 times longer than man has been around even in his simplest form. And if the dinosaurs were still around, we wouldn’t be.
Influence of Jupiter and space shield protection
This is a dubious one, since opinion is split as to whether Jupiter protects us or deflects asteroids towards us. On balance its effect on asteroid impact probably balances out to nil, but it may have other beneficial effects.
For a further reading, we refer the reader to this discussion link in Wikipedia.