Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Baby Born in Space in 2012

This is a research article that our Director Lord Pakal Ahau asked us to search in the Internet and post in the blog. As far as we know there is a 2010 deadline for NASA for something really big and important that has not been revealed yet and better news than a man landing on the Moon again. We found the right article and explanations from the NASA Team Journal. There are lots of questions about it because it opens the Pandora Box for the future. Simple questions such as what the name of the baby will be and complex questions such as what his/her citizenship is. We are sure you can think of other questions related to laws, politics, medicine, genetics, religion, etc. Here it is.

A Baby Born in Space

By: Patty Currier
August 26, 1999

I was recently contacted by Brandt Secosh who had received a question from Nur Agustinus, a student in Indonesia, regarding the birth of a baby in space (microgravity). I thought this was an interesting question that should be shared with all of the Space Team Online followers!

First, the question:

If a baby were born in space (microgravity) and grew up there, would it influence the structure of the bone or body? Would microgravity cause the muscles to be smaller than a child growing up normally on Earth?

I work with a lot of students here at Kennedy Space Center, but before I started doing this, I worked in a bone lab. So I think I can help you with your question.

This is for a lady who is going to have a baby as soon as she gets in space. Things will be more complicated if the fetus develops in space and is then born, so I’m not going to try to answer that one yet.

If a pregnant woman flies in space and gives birth almost right away, the baby will be born pretty normal because it will develop in the womb very normally at Earth’s gravity. What happens then is very interesting.

The bone cells are programmed to grow–they don’t stop until you are a teenager or so. But it is gravity as a stress that makes the cells in the bones have the right alignment, or stack up properly and pull the bone so that it forms straight. Without gravity, the baby’s bones won’t get long and thin like adult bone. They will be very easy to break, and they won’t grow as fast. This is true for arms and legs.

The bones at the top of the baby’s head will actually grow thicker and stronger than on Earth. This is because your heart does not have to work so hard to move blood and other fluid from your feet to your upper body because there is no gravity. What happens is that the heart still pulls on the fluid in the legs, which now comes out much more easily. This causes the upper body to have more fluid and more pressure, which causes stress. Stress is always what makes bone grow and change. So, more pressure, more growth in the skull.

The bones in the hands will probably be normal because the baby/child/adult will use his hands just like on Earth. The feet will probably not grow much because they don’t get the stress from having the weight of your whole body on them–no stress, not much growth. Ribs are interesting. Ribs protect your lungs and give support to your body so they don’t collapse. They would probably be okay, but develop thinner than on Earth, so they wouldn’t be nearly as strong. The spine is really going to be affected. The gravity won’t push / pull down on you, so the vertebrae don’t feel the stress, so they won’t grow. But they will get stress from the spinal cord as it grows and pushes out. So you would probably end up with thinner, very easily crushed vertebrae.

Muscles work the same way. They need stress to grow and develop. Gravity is a stress force that pulls in one direction causing the muscle to develop in the right shape. So, if it is a muscle that won’t be used much (say, the muscles that move your feet), they won’t grow nearly as strong. Some muscles will be almost the same, such as your hand muscles. They aren’t much affected by gravity–they are more affected by how the other muscles in your hands contract and release. They are stressed independently of gravity. Other muscles, like your heart, will be different. Your heart won’t have to work as hard because there is no gravity to make blood circulation difficult. This takes a while to happen though. With a baby just born, probably the heart will never develop nearly as strong as a baby on Earth will.

Muscles and bones work together. The muscles are attached to bone, and they are very tightly connected. If you exercise a muscle, it pulls on the bone and causes a pulling stress. This helps the bone grow stronger in that area. This is why kids are told to play around outside when they are young–their bones grow very fast and if the child does a lot of exercise, the muscles get strong, making the bone very strong.

So, a baby born in space is going to have pretty strange and weak bones in most parts of their body. This shouldn’t affect them too much if they spend their whole life in space, but they will be in a lot of trouble if they come back to Earth. Their leg and feet bones will be too weak to hold them, the spine will probably crush under its own weight. The heart muscle will not be strong enough to pump blood around the whole body because of gravity pulling the blood down, and leg muscles will be too weak for you to stand. Basically, your bones and muscles will be much too heavy to support, and you will fall down in a big heap and die - (unless the mother is very insistent and special equipment is made so the baby can exercise muscles and bones to make them similar to the ones on Earth -but you still have heart and other things…).

But if you are a baby born in space and someone drops you on your head when you return to Earth, your skull will be nice and thick.

Isn’t bone a really neat thing?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Venus Transit: Sea of Sorrow 2012

The Mayan mathematical prediction of Lord Pakal Ahau of an impending global disaster could not be more accurate after the feared Transit of Venus in 2004. Three months before the Venus transit, Pakal warned in his web site that a global catastrophe was about to take place at the end of 2004. How did he know?

Pakal explains, “Mayan tribes had a very sophisticated system of predictive warning, similar to the ’sense of warning’ of animals. Humans have lost this precious skill and have replaced it with new satellite communication technology which is more reactive than preventive.

During the 2004 transit of Venus, Pakal observed the sequence of the Sun and Venus. The egress of Venus from the Sun gave him the clue. From the geographical conditions and visibility locations on June 8, 2004, we can see the entire transit is visible from Europe, Africa (except western parts), Middle East, and most of Asia (except eastern parts). The Sun sets while the transit is still in progress from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Korea, easternmost China and Southeast Asia.

In Mayan astronomy, the egress of Venus corresponds at the sunset of this region, and the prediction establishes an ominous disaster in that area. The prediction was fulfilled on December 26, 2004, when a megathrust earthquake of intensity 9.0 hit the area, releasing a great amount of energy, and killing more than 150,000 people in a powerful tsunami. The red dot indicates where the disaster occurred after mapping the end of the Venus transit. There was another scientific observation that indicated a problem, the algae bloom on the shores of Indonesia.

Consequently, Pakal says the prediction is to be taken seriously in consideration in 2012, the next Transit of Venus will happen on June 6, 2012. The egress of Venus corresponds when the Sun sets while the transit is still in progress from most of North America, the Caribbean, and northwest South America. Notice the red dot corresponds to the plate where the San Andreas fault is located in the Ring of Fire, the same zone with the highest tectonic and volcanic activity in the world. This warning is not sensational and it is aimed to the US West Coast and California, where we have an additional old subducting plate called Juan De Fuca plate. Similar characteristics, similar risks. The last major earthquake on the Juan de Fuca plate was the magnitude nine Cascadia Earthquake creating a tsunami. To read more, you can visit the Wikipedia link.

Survival will depend on how humans can prevent their own demise. It’s not easy to see something that hasn’t happened to others but Lord Pakal warns, “I hope the lessons learned in 2004 be applied in 2012. I won’t tell your destiny but I can tell you may have a chance if you and your family are well trained for emergencies.”

The 26,000-yr Mayan Era and the Fifth Great Mayan Cycle end on December 21, 2012. Could the Mayan vision for ending the Calendar correspond to this final global event and related to the transit of Venus? Time will tell.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Great White Owl and Lord Pakal Ahau

On December 31, 2004, on the eve of New Year, our Lord Pakal Ahau invited us to meditate for peace in 2012 in a beautiful home garden of one of our friends . In a near church, we heard the bells announcing the New Year 2005, when a 8-lb male adult Great White Owl, also called Snowy Owl, came and landed on the tree where Lord Pakal was meditating. Immediately, in the middle of our astonishment and confusion, we knew that this strange natural encounter was a paranormal event in the life of Lord Pakal Ahau. As Lord Pakal remained silent and immersed in contemplating meditation, we saw this amazing owl spreading his beautiful long white wings over the head of Lord Pakal without making noise, like protecting our Lord. Then, the bird stood quiet for at least one hour on the tree, making company to Lord Pakal while cleaning his feathers and spreading his wings from time to time, later the bird flew away once he completed his meditation.

We were very anxious of making comments to Pakal about our magic vision because we knew that this bird was not a native species in the Southern California area. Their habitat is usually found in the Arctic tundra.

Lord Pakal told us, ” Do not be afraid of your visions. It shows you the Tecolotl way, the power of the un-seen, the Golden Path of your memories in 2012 as Mayans wanted. Do you wrestle with your dreams? Learn to be silent, for I am like the owl of the desert.”

Although we couldn’t understand the metaphors, we knew Lord Pakal was creating our own path in 2012.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Last Great Mayan Cycle for Dummies in 2012

To continue with our Maya diaries, we explain in this brief article Lord Pakal Ahau’s knowledge of the last Great Mayan Cycle. This knowledge was transmitted through the education that Lord Pakal received since 1958 from the wise priests of the Ancient Order of Chilam Balam and its Nine Degrees, in particular from the Ahau-Can Director of the Calmécac House, the school for noble children of the Templo Mayor in Mexico. The Calmécac House is also known as the Sacred House of Quetzalcoatl because it establishes the relation between Man and our Great Divinity Quetzalcoatl (or Kukulcan). Lord Pakal began his strict sacerdotal education at five years old and learned all the requirements in mathematics, astronomy and rituals until he completed his 12th birthday. At that point he was initiated in the Great Ritual of Manhood and registered as Member of the Jaguar Warriors. He chose the title of Solar Jaguar Warrior to fulfill his birth rights for the 2012 Mayan Prophecy explained in other articles.

According to Lord Pakal, the Great Mayan Cycle is easy to understand if you know mathematics. The measure of the Maya Era is of 9,360,000 days. It is also called the Long Count (LC) by Maya scholars. It measures a complete precession of the planet. This Era is divided in five ages or great cycles. Each age or cycle consists of 1,872,000 days. Currently, we are in the Fifth Age or Fifth Solar Cycle (Fifth Sun). The vigesimal part of one cycle is called the Short Count (SC) by Maya scholars and contains 93,600 days. The Short Count is divided in 5 sections. Each one includes 18,720 days. All these cycles are multiple of 360. This is the number that represents the total number of days of the civilian calendar. Each year is divided in 18 months of 20 days each month or in 72 weeks of 5 days each week. Each day is divided in 4 parts or main hours.

An example of the 13 Baktuns of the last Great Mayan Cycle (the Fifth Age) is as follows:

Baktún 00-01 Aug 13 (-3113) - Nov 15 (-2719)
Baktún 01-02 Nov 15 (-2719) - Feb 17 (-2324)
Baktún 02-03 Feb 17 (-2324) - May 22 (-1930)
Baktún 03-04 May 22 (-1930) - Aug 24 (-1536)
Baktún 04-05 Aug 24 (-1536) - Nov 27 (-1142)
Baktún 05-06 Nov 27 (-1142) - Mar 01 ( -747)
Baktún 06-07 Mar 01 (- 747) - Jun 04 ( -353)
Baktún 07-08 Jun 04 ( -353) - Sep 06 41 CE
Baktún 08-09 Sep 06 41 CE - Dec 10 435 CE
Baktún 09-10 Dec 10 435 CE - Mar 14 830 CE
Baktún 10-11 Mar 14 830 CE - Jun 16 1224 CE
Baktún 11-12 Jun 16 1224 CE - Sep 19 1618 CE
Baktún 12-13 Sep 19 1618 CE - Dec 22 2012 CE

Setting the GMT correlation constant at 584285, you can see 13 Baktuns are equal to 1,872,000 days and correspond to one cycle. Notice we prefer to make the notation in negative years. To get the corresponding BC Gregorian year add (-1). Thus, Aug. 13 (-3113) is equivalent to Aug. 13, 3114 BC (In Mayan creation this year is 4 Ahau 8 Cumku). For a discussion of the controversy of European Christian dates and the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson (GMT) correlation please follow this link and for more discussion about modern notation of user preferences, type in Google - Wikipedia user preferences for BCE/CE notation -. We will not comment on this issue.

In the next five years, Lord Pakal Ahau will release a full set of mathematical articles about his Mayan education not published elsewhere and we thank him for his generous contribution to our Mayan future. Is there a new Mayan Era, after 2012? We think so but only Lord Pakal Ahau and few Mayan elders know the right answer. Stay in, tune in, learn more.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Mayan Meaning of A Winakena

We have received some email asking for the meaning of the expression A WINAKENA in the side bar below Lord Pakal Ahau’s image. It is a beautiful greetings sentence and perhaps, one of the most humble Mayan hieroglyphs in our native language. It means: ‘I’m Your Servant.’

In the Dictionary of Mayan Hieroglyphs is the catalog number T229. We also love that our language is identified with numbers. Perhaps, Mayan scholars should start a numbered catalog of English phrases in a special dictionary that contain idioms. Just our thought!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

2012 Mayan Anthropic Principle: A Logical Proposition

2012 Mayan Anthropic Principle: A Logical Proposition

” No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No one could have dreamed we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this Earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely they drew their plans against us.”

The above paragraph extracted from The War of the Worlds by Herbert George Wells (1898) serves as an example to the anthropic principle which we would attempt to explain in a simple way as we approach 2012, the End of the Great Mayan Cycle.

In that introductory statement of Wells’ book, which still is considered one of the greatest science-fiction works, we examine two basic assumptions that are as follows:

1. It introduces the Fermi Paradox which asks “where are all the aliens?”, or the scientific definition that there is a probabilistic estimate that extraterrestrial civilizations are common and would naturally expand into space, contradicting the lack of evidence that they exist anywhere. The premise is based that it is natural and logical for extraterrestrial species to colonize space and,

2. There are advanced or smart civilizations in space that are probably hostile and do not necessarily have positive ethical principles to other intelligent civilizations or more primitive forms of life, and they could make contact in the future because our tiny galaxy has the desirable resources for other civilizations.

To make some comments about these two assumptions, we need to define our Anthropic Principle. The original term was introduced in 1973 by the anthrophysicist and cosmologist Brandon Carter from Cambridge University in a conference in Poland to celebrate the 500th birthday of astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. In Carter’s essay “Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic Principle,” he defined the principle as the arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics having a common operator in our universe - to have a system capable of producing and supporting life. In our 2012 Anthropic Principle, the Mayan space-time methodology defines that at the End of the 4 Ahau Baktun in 2012, the same random physical variables after many cycles produce a common connection of other parallel universes necessary for the visible manifestation of our Universe, and therefore, intelligent information-processing emerges into our Universe and it will never die out as a result. It supports the scientific philosophy of our Lord Pakal Ahau, who was influenced by the teachings from one of his academic professors, Mario Bunge in his formative course Philosophy of Science, that “the spider is able now to observe and communicates beyond and outside the individual web.”

This idea is also additionally supported by the concept explained by R. H. Dicke’s 1961 article on ‘Dirac’s Cosmology and Mach’s Principle’, which proposes that the value of the Hubble age or how long the universe has been expanding, is limited by two values, the lower limit of the present value of the Hubble age is the age of the shortest lived stars, and the upper limit the age of the longest lived stars, and the biological requirements are constrained to meet the production and support of life in the universe. In other words, the spider’s web is old enough to maintain connection with similar webs so members of the same spider family can take advantage of the built system.

Lord Pakal Ahau has explained mathematically this concept in one of his published pages, ” The Mathematical Concept of the Maya Universe.” He has proposed that physical laws at least in our universe, use a common internal operator to produce synergism. In simple terms, the process is validated with Synergetic Mathematics: a designed bunch of isolated parts connected through a mechanism to create a specific function in the system.

Returning to our assumptions, it is easy now to understand the first assumption that in our ‘infinite’ universe predicted by expansion, there are some civilizations which have spread across their galaxies and seem to contain a huge number of individuals and unless the percentage of such large civilizations is unreasonably small, most observers (or members of the same species) belong to them. This definition is proposed by cosmologist Ken D. Olum, from the Institute of Cosmology at the Tufts University in Massachussetts, in his 2004 article, “Conflict between anthropic reasoning and observation.” Thus, anthropic reasoning predicts that we should find ourselves in such large civilization, while in fact we do not perceive our function.

On the other hand, Lord Pakal explains this flaw by making an analogy with another piece of literature, “The Little Prince” written by French author and journalist, Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 1943. At first reading, the novel resembles a children’s tale, full of poetic riddles. One of the metaphors is the discovery by a human pilot of an intelligent civilization composed of one individual with the greatest ethics in the Universe and surviving on his tiny home planet because of his love to a rose covered by a glass container. The important philosophical observation by Lord Pakal is that to discover where we belong in the universe, you must look with your heart and not with your eyes to find where in the universe we should expect to find ourselves in relation to other intelligent civilizations.

The second general assumption of our essay is very disturbing but completely natural and logic and we can infere based in the evolution of our Universe, that there exists another proportion of civilizations, primitive or intelligent, with similar humanoid characteristics and predispose to be aggresive in the colonization of space as it has been described by astrophysicist Dr. Beatriz Gato-Rivera in a 2005 article, “A Solution to the Fermi Paradox: The Solar System, are we part of a galactic hypercivilization?"

From this set of aggresive civilizations, a subset of them can be categorized as civilizations like ours that depend on the same elements of our supporting life systems: carbon, hydrogen and other heavy elements, water, and molecular photosynthesis to produce oxygen. Therefore, a high probability of open contact would exist with these civilizations and not with non-aggressive civilizations if they continue to extend in large regions of different galaxies searching for the same environmental resources. Moreover, we share the opinion of Dr. Gato-Rivera that the Search of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) should be replaced with the Search of Primitive Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SEPTI) and develop a better research system on how to camouflage our planet and our communication devices in the solar system to prevent the wrong alienigen contacts.

In closing, we are still in a premature phase about observations and investigation in space. As the Mayan astronomers understood our universe completes cycles of evolution and in every cycle our civilization has evolved from understanding space and time and integrating them in calendar tools to a permanent expansion in the research of galaxies and eventually in the colonization of space as well. The anthropic principle is real in our human intelligence. As Dr. Timothy Leary said in 1988, ” Intelligence defined as the accurate, flexible reception, processing and transmission of signals, has no place in a fear society. The most dangerous and the strongest are automatically the smartest. Life is an interstellar communication network. Life is disseminated through the galaxies as nucleotide templates. These ’seeds’ land on planets, are activated by solar radiation, and evolve nervous systems able to create species. It is likely that extraterrestrial signals will be received by the instrument which has evolved over three billion years to pick up electromagnetic vibrations. The human brain itself. “

Are we in the verge of discovering our own anthropic principle in 2012 or do we have to wait for another cycle of 5,000 years?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

2012 Reflections: The Mayan Ant Farm

Although not documented in Mayan hieroglyphs or codices because most written cultural traditions were destroyed and burned by the Spanish Conquest, Lord Pakal Ahau explains one of his oral stories told by his mother in relation to 2012, the End of the Great Mayan Cycle.

He explains, ”our ancient astronomers and priests used simplicity and ingenuity to make mathematical predictions based on objective observations. One of them was the real observations of the life of insects. It was a component of a primitive scientific discipline that allowed them social reorganization and decision analysis in their accurate Mayan prophecies. Our sacred priests observed insect behavior, in particular, ant societies in conjunction with the stars of the sky to influence fertility, crops and wars and know propitious moments in the evolution of cities. Today, in modern society we may call this discipline Neurofitness, a systematic method to preserve life, stay young and smart and develop neuronal evolution of cultures and diversity. Unfortunately, we have replaced this natural and independent technology with another dependent for-profit technology that is controlled by high level class-interest informers and their repeaters. You should know the trap. This group takes advantage of the lack of critical thinking in most populations of the world and schools do not teach our children about real survival. Most adults and young people do not know their path and directions in 20 years from now.“

Although Lord Pakal will not elaborate in predictions for 2012, he recommends to learn more about insects. After all, they are the real survivors of Earth after many DNA mutations and natural catastrophes. Watch how they reorganize and reestructure themselves with their powerful communicative team intuition around 2012 at the End of the 13th Baktun. It is our gift to you from Lord Pakal’s wisdom.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

From Cumku to Kankin: 2012 Alignment

Lord Pakal Ahau reveals the 2012 alignment in King Pakal’s stone lid as he promised on his return at the End of the 13th Baktun. In the image below, Pakal Ahau compares the position of the planets for the Palenque sky in 2012 made with Cartes du Ciel program and how King Pakal’s priests have directed the design to be carved on the stone to show this important Mayan code. A very powerful astronomical observation discovered for the first time by our Lord Pakal Ahau.

This new decipherment, in which King Pakal shows his divine relation with the First Father of Creation in 4 Ahau 8 Cumku and the resurrection of our Father, One Hun’ah-pu at the intersection of the ecliptic and celestial equator planes on December 21, 2012, was submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia de Mexico for validation in the next conference sessions of 2008 Arqueoastronomy in Mexico City.

Lord Pakal gave us this analysis with an interesting modified quotation from Hebrew prophet Joel found in Septuagint 3:1-5, “At the end of the days of the 13th Baktun, I will pour my Essence upon all flesh and mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see my visions.” The other part of the prophecy is very similar to Lord Pakal Ahau’s birth prophecy in 1952 written by the Balam priests in the Books of Chilam Balam in relation to the Popol Vuh.

NOTE: Please do not copy our original work and research without credits. We appreciate your considerations and a link to our blog. Thanks.

The Mysterious Portrait of Lord Pakal Ahau

At the age of 33 in his 1985 birthday, Lord Pakal Ahau received a mysterious portrait from his Irish-Shoshone friend Mr. Byron McCallum. The portrait was entitled “Birthday Resurrection” by the artist and after a careful analysis three important features were discovered when the painting was photographed and the reflected light hit the flat surface . The photograph unveiled the following images: the first one was the head of a winged angel on the forehead of Lord Pakal’s portrait, the second was the Mayan silhouette of King Pakal in the background of the painting, and the third and most difficult one to decipher was a reversed text in Aramaic language which still is waiting for translation.

That rainy night Lord Pakal said a beautiful prayer. A greetings poem to his friend to remember the [2012] Prophecy. We include his important words and we hope to prepare this beautiful video in Spanish in our YouTube channel soon.

Here, deep inside my heart
you’re still living
and in every verb that you say
in your time
I’m feeling you.

Here, deep inside my heart
there’s a room for you too,
and whenever you want to open it
it’s yours without words.

Here, deep inside my heart
there exists a beautiful melody,
a living tree growing,
a hummingbird singing,
and its trinity song says
without you I’m dying.

Here, deep inside my heart
there’s a humble melody
long time ago,
waiting sadly for the world
to listen to my words.

Without you, I’m death.
With you, I’m life and resurrection.
Deep, deep inside my foolish heart.
(Lord Pakal Ahau. 1985.)

Our Virgin of Guadalupe and the 2012 Prophecy

According to the narrative of the Nican Mopohua, December 9, 1531 was the event date in which the Virgin of Guadalupe (Coatlaxopeuh in Maya language) appears to the Mayan indian Juan Diego on top of mount Tepeyacac and requests that he petition the bishop of Mexico, Don Fray Juan de Zumárraga, that a temple be built on the spot. Juan Diego agrees to comply with her mandate and meets with the Bishop who listens to the message but does not believe his words. On his return he encounters the Virgin again who insists that he return to the Bishop with the same message the next day.

In 1979, a Peruvian scientist, Dr. José Aste-Tonsmann announced the finding of at least four human figures stamped in both eyes of the Virgin. The figures seem to be Indian Juan Diego witnessing or listening to the secret of three solar characters, Saint Peter of Rome, King Pakal of Palenque and Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton, apparently reflected in the retina of the eyes of Our Lady.

Dr. Tonsmann, studying the image for 22 years, used sophisticated image processing techniques with digitized photographs of both eyes. The image reflected in her two retinas is that of the moment when the Virgin left her imprint on Juan Diego’s tilma.

Although the interpretation is correct, the full message of the Virgin is still controversial because she spoke to Juan Diego in a Yucatec Mayan dialect and it does not appear recorded in the Spanish translation of the Nican Mopohua Book, sanctioned by the Vatican. Lord Pakal Ahau attempts to explain this important prophetic message.

He explains, “according to the IBM experiments, we are sure of four figures in the eyes of Coatlaxopeuh, however the test hides one more relevant figure who is the King Messiah and the Holy Spirit blessing a blind man (see Figure below section 4) and of course, the ancient message of the Prophecy which it seems to disclose the Announced Pole Shift of Mother Earth, perhaps in 2012 or later. Although we accept that December 21, 2012 is the End of the Great Mayan Cycle based on the revised GMT correlation, I think the Virgin will announce some important news first on December 12, 2012, which is considered the day of The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico. Her sign in the Virgo constellation leading to the sky alignment of the planets in the 2012 Winter Solstice leaves me with no doubts.”

We left to the reader to study the interesting Section 3 of the image and make further conclusions.

Corpus Cyberinscriptionem Mayanorum 2012

“The Sun is my strength and my shield forever.” (Lord Pakal Ahau’s Oath in his Maya Initiation Ritual - 1964.)

Who is Lord Pakal Ahau? He is considered the last Solar Child (the last Ahau of the Baktun counting from the Creation of 4 Ahau 8 Cumku) of the Great Palencan Mayan Dynasty of the 7th Century. He was born on August 1952 (Maya Calendar 1 Ik 5 Yaxk’in) under the constellation of Leo (Regulus Star) at the same time French-born archaeologist Dr. Ruz L’huillier entered to the mysterious sarcophagus of King Hanab Pakal and moved the Reincarnation Lid to unveil King Pakal’s mummy, fulfilling the Ancient Mayan Prophecy of the Temple of the Inscriptions since its construction in 683A.D., that the last Solar Child of Palenque would be born to seal the Gate of the Stone Time in a world of believers and non-believers. It is said in the 2012 Prophecy that he will enter to the Underworld Kingdom of Xibalba with the rest of mankind during the Cosmic Alignment of 2012. This prophecy has also been documented in the Popol Vuh, the Books of Chilam Balam and other Mayan Chronicles of 1800. (Mythology of Palenque, Temple XIV Tablet).

His birth, known as Plan Tzakol B, was carefully designed by the astronomers-priests of the Ancient and Sacred Order of Chilam Balam and its Nine Degrees in Palenque, Mexico (Calderon, 1966), and it is part of the text of the unusual Revelation Prophecy of 2012 of Chumayel that says: “”The Nine (Bolon Yokte Ku) Gods shall arise in sorrow, alas… And when over the dark sea, I shall be lifted up in a chalice of fire, to that generation there will come the day of withered fruit, there will be rain. The face of the sun shall be extinguished because of the great tempest. Then finally the ornaments shall descend in heaps, there will be good gifts for one and all, as well as lands, from the Great Spirit, wherever they shall settle down. Presently Baktun 13 shall come sailing, figuratively speaking, bringing the ornaments of which I have spoken from your ancestors. Then the god will come to visit his little ones. Perhaps “After Death” will be the subject of his discourse.”" The 2012 Prophecy is also documented on the right wing panel of Monument 6 discovered in Tortuguero. Tortuguero is a site of the Classic period Maya in the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Monument 6 is the only inscription found so far, that refers to the end date in 2012 and its amazing prophecy. Embrace Lord Pakal. “El Sol es mi fuerza y mi escudo para siempre.” (Juramento de Lord Pakal Ahau en su Ritual de Iniciacion Maya - 1964.)

As in ancient archaeology, the mission and efforts of Lord Pakal Ahau’s vision will not be explained in the present. It is left for a new discipline, perhaps named cyberarchaeology and its scholars, in another 1,000 years, to study Lord Pakal Ahau’s work and his continuity in time as our ancestors established in their living Mesoamerican environment. A truly unified and permanent cultural identity.

” A few shall see what none yet understands; for man shall not know the coming until its hour and belief shall be not until the work is done.” (Lord Pakal Ahau, 2012.)

Shamanic Symbols of Lord Pakal Ahau

For those who are not familiar with our Mesoamerican culture, we have prepared a graphical composite with our ancient shamanic symbols: an architectural stone structure, the jaguar and the serpent. The structure usually represents our time position (and also a precise calendar) in the solar system, the jaguar is always connected to our priesthood and kings accession, and the serpent represents the notion of the Mayan concept of recurrent cycles in all natural observable events.

Welcome to Lord Pakal Ahau's Blog

Great! You have found us. On behalf of Lord Pakal Ahau, our Director of the Pakalian Group of Mexico, we would like to extend our greetings and thanks for your visit. We hope to include great news and video presentations toward the year 2012 and beyond, which is the end of the Baktun of our Great Mayan Calendar. As we learn more about blogging, please be patient with us, bookmark our site and enjoy your time here. In the words of our Lord Pakal Ahau, “we seek a new beginning and opportunities for our Latino population wherever they are.” Thanks.